
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Writing A Book

What occurs to me is that I have been remiss in continuing to be present in the blogosphere.  Not a good excuse, but I have finished the final preparation for publishing my first book.  Hopefully not my last.  I have to say that the more I write with a product in mind, the more fun it has become.  My first book is a retrospective on the 20th Century and early 2000s, following the people and events through the life of a remarkable man, my Dad.  Born before World War I, he lived through the Depression, was an Army officer during World War II, and was part of a generation of people who went on to build new lives and a new world, creating the most successful nation in the history of the world.  His part was unique as those who knew him realized.  But his part was not his alone.  He was among a generation who saw the future and molded their lives to reach that future, to the benefit of those who would follow.  I have told his story.  You may have a story to tell also.  Tell it.  We no longer have the written personal histories which historians will be able to discover in old boxes.  We have emails, delete. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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