
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Writing Isn't the Hard Part

What occurs to me is that what I am doing, what so many others are doing, what many have done for so many years, writing on a regular basis, is challenging.  Writing requires planning of both subject and then what exactly to say.  It requires careful word selection so present the specific idea the writer wants the reader to understand.  Also, it requires the discipline to prepare properly, to set aside the time, which is difficult for all but those who have absolutely nothing else to do.

Every writer wants to tell a story, regardless of the type.  Whether news, history, business or fantasy, the story must be designed to draw the reader to the lesson which makes the story important to the reader.  A dedicated writer must therefore have selected a topic, researched the needed information, learned enough to become expert at least for the story, and then write it.  Finding the right theme, the proper word truly matters so as to make the point clear.

When I started this blog, I thought I had enough material to write an entry each day, no problem.  Not so.  As I have reviewed just the list I made on my first post, I have realized that even small pieces of any of the topics would require thought before writing.  Once a post is made public,  I realized I couldn't take it back.  So, it requires me to be circumspect and not write when I haven't done my homework.

I would like to write every day, and on those days when I can, I will.  I promised myself that this was not a Tweet or a FB post.  It won't be.  So for those who have read my stories thus far, thank you.  I owe you the courtesy of not writing junk.  Consequently, I will have material that is prepared which I can say, "Please read", and be able to stand behind it. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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