I am a Democrat. I haven't always voted for Democrats. But I am voting.
I am a Democrat because I believe that our country does best as a community. It provides the opportunity of success for all its citizens, yet it shows compassion and offers help to those who need it.
It lends a hand to guide the next generation up the ladder, rather than push the ladder over.
I believe in equality, but mostly in equality of justice, that rules and benefits apply to all.
I believe that a quality education is the road to success, and that if we hope to pass on the wonder of America, educating and training our fellow citizens and ourselves is our first priority.
I believe in government-effective, efficient government which exists to promote the best interests of all our people, not just groups in search of an special advantage. I believe government can, should and must address the great issues facing us, not as a matter of politics, but as a matter of survival; and I believe that government must create programs to solve these problems. I believe that it can.
And I believe that I have an obligation commensurate with the privilege and good fortune given me to be an American that I should pay my fair share to keep this country great.
Thomas Jefferson had great faith in the wisdom of the people of this country. I have begun to doubt his wisdom. I hope I am wrong.
I am a Democrat and a democrat. On November 6th, I am casting my vote, which has been secured and preserved for me over the years by those more heroic than I, for President Barack Obama, and other candidates who believe in the Promise of America for all.